All Patents in class 415/145 |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
201,875 | Apr. 02, 1878 | J.C. Estey | Utilizing Power of Water Pipes | turbine water wheels |
220,168 | Sep. 30, 1879 | H.Z. Norton | Hydraulic Engine | turbine water wheels |
259,947 | Jun. 20, 1882 | C.R. Tompkins | Turbine water-wheel | water wheels |
503,015 | Aug. 08, 1893 | O.F. Teed | Hydraulic Motor | hydraulic motors |
1,440,209 | Dec. 26, 1922 | M.D. Church | Steam Turbine | steam turbines |
1,977,036 | Oct. 16, 1934 | G.A. Biggs | Hydraulic Turbine | turbine water wheels |
2,923,306 | Feb. 02, 1960 | W.G. Mitchell | Pressure regulator valve mechanism for air tools | |