All Patents in class 411/427 |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
71,885 | Dec. 10, 1867 | C.L. Kingsley | Improvement in Clamp-Screws | bench vises |
80,997 | Aug. 11, 1868 | W. Pearson | Clamp Nut | |
345,648 | Jul. 13, 1886 | R.E. Poindexter | Saw-handle | crosscut saw handles |
376,584 | Jan. 17, 1888 | H.D. Cone | Wrench | ratchet wrenches |
440,018 | Nov. 04, 1890 | F.H. Crafts | Device for Adjusting the Pressure Plates of Planing Machines | wood planers |
721,979 | Mar. 03, 1903 | T.B. Tiefenbacher | Tool Holder for Lathes | lathe tool holders and tool posts |
1,333,707 | Mar. 16, 1920 | C.A. Dies | Lathe Dog and the Like | lathe dogs |
2,151,255 | Mar. 21, 1939 | E.J. Witchger | Spring Nut | |
3,042,068 | Jul. 03, 1962 | R.V. Smith | Safety relief valve | pressure regulators |