All Patents in class 408/92 |
Patents 1 -
of 19
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
4,251 | Nov. 01, 1845 | A. Weikart | Boring-machine | drilling and boring |
83,366 | Oct. 27, 1868 | A.J. Baird, J.M. Cullen | Improved Drill Press | drill presses |
529,023 | Nov. 13, 1894 | J.W. Duff | Rotary support for hand drills | |
538,323 | Apr. 30, 1895 | C.D. Cutts | Bit-brace and hand drill | braces |
588,712 | Aug. 24, 1897 | P. Broadbooks | Drill Frame | drill presses |
618,512 | Jan. 31, 1899 | A. Kerry | Brace and Drill (chain vise) | |
626,474 | Jun. 06, 1899 | W.H. Ames | Hand-Brace Drill Attachment | drill accessories |
628,110 | Jul. 04, 1899 | O. Mueller | Tapping-machine | tapping machines |
665,399 | Jan. 08, 1901 | P. Broadbooks | Drilling Apparatus | portable metal drilling machines |
683,794 | Oct. 01, 1901 | H. Politsch | Angle bit-stock | |
714,939 | Dec. 02, 1902 | S. McClellan | Combined bit-brace and chain and bench drill | |
775,745 | Nov. 22, 1904 | D.W. Cole | Portable chain mortising machine | portable timber mortisers |
813,070 | Feb. 20, 1906 | D.B. Yoder | Attachment for Wood-Boring Braces | drill accessories |
976,131 | Nov. 15, 1910 | S. McClellan | Chain Breast Ratchet Drill | drill accessories |
1,033,712 | Jul. 23, 1912 | G.O. Leopold | Chain Drill | drill accessories |