All Patents in class 408/84 |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
34,412 | Feb. 18, 1862 | F. Deluce | Centering Implement | center punches |
39,608 | Aug. 18, 1863 | F.B. Williams | Device for Centering Shafting | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
100,772 | Mar. 15, 1870 | D. Kelly | Centerer | drill bits |
521,206 | Jun. 12, 1894 | F.B. Covel | Centering Tool | lathe tools |
592,912 | Nov. 02, 1897 | M. Johnson | Centering Drill Chuck | drill press chucks |
606,985 | Jul. 05, 1898 | R.C. Wrege | Centering Tool for Lathes | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
718,996 | Jan. 27, 1903 | W. Franz | Rivet Cutter | bolt and rivet cutters |