All Patents in class 408/44 |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
4,565 | Jun. 13, 1846 | J.J. Greenough | Machine for boring and mortising hubs | mortising machines |
250,167 | Nov. 29, 1881 | F.F. Parker | Machine for boring holes in chair-legs | chair maker |
603,888 | May 10, 1898 | J.H. Brewer | Centering Machine | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
876,814 | Jan. 14, 1908 | H.B. Lester | Automatic Screw Machine | screw machines |
1,796,790 | Mar. 17, 1931 | E.S. Ingraham | Attachment for automatic screw machines | |
2,808,746 | Oct. 08, 1957 | R.E. Blomquist | Work handling mechanism for machine tools | |