All Patents in class 408/41 |
Patents 1 -
of 17
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
946 | Sep. 25, 1838 | W. Lancey, S. Merrick | Machine for sawing staves | barrel making machines |
1,313 | Sep. 03, 1839 | H. Pepper | Machine for sawing staves | barrel making machines |
5,812 | Sep. 26, 1848 | S. Lewis | Improvement in Cutting Screws on Rails of Bedsteads | wood threading machines |
12,416 | Feb. 20, 1855 | J. Hastings, J. Ramsay, H.G. Chamberlain | Machine for cutting tenons | windowblind machines |
14,289 | Feb. 19, 1856 | J.H. Palmer | Machine for tenoning window-blinds | windowblind machines |
18,569 | Nov. 10, 1857 | T.C. Ball | Device for forming round tenons on window-blind slats | tenoning machines |
238,648 | Mar. 08, 1881 | A.W. Clark | Saw-Gummer | saw sharpening tools |
317,183 | May 05, 1885 | S.L. Otis | Button Lathe | button making machinery |
317,209 | May 05, 1885 | L.C. Rodier | Lathe | pipe making machines |
432,976 | Jul. 29, 1890 | J.W. Carver | Wood Working Machinery | barrel making machines |
490,406 | Jan. 24, 1893 | P. Dosch | Chucking Machine and Gage Lathe | pattern lathes |
520,605 | May 29, 1894 | A.L. Mitchell | Cork Shell Cutting Machine | cork making machines |
533,472 | Feb. 05, 1895 | H.N. Kennedy | Centering Machine | horizontal drilling machines |
536,815 | Apr. 02, 1895 | W. Murchey | Nipple Cutting Machine | pipe cutting machines |
681,294 | Aug. 27, 1901 | H. Bliss | Machine for cutting and boring disks | drilling and boring |