All Patents in class 408/36 |
Patents 1 -
of 16
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
4,671 | Jul. 28, 1846 | S. Groom | Making Wood Screws | screw machines |
8,414 | Oct. 07, 1851 | O. Thornley | Machine for Cutting Screws on Posts and Rails of Bedsteads | wood threading machines |
140,780 | Jul. 15, 1873 | A. Webster, G.B. Jaycox | Screw-Cutting Machines | screw machines |
143,412 | Oct. 07, 1873 | N.C. Hubbell | Machines for Making Metal Screws | screw machines |
174,994 | Mar. 21, 1876 | L. Williams | Improvement in machines for boring hubs and fellies | drilling and boring |
192,793 | Jul. 03, 1877 | J.D. Shoots | Boring Machine for Pump Logs | wood drilling and boring |
289,817 | Dec. 11, 1883 | T. Jenkins, Jr., F.H. Drummond | Boring-machine | wood drilling and boring |
447,048 | Feb. 24, 1891 | N.P. Stevens | Plug and Socket Cutter and Chuck for the Same | material cutting machines |
575,745 | Jan. 26, 1897 | D.B. Welivar | Machine for boring wheel-rims | horizontal drilling machines |
924,963 | Jun. 15, 1909 | B. Borden | Pipe Threading Tool | tap and die holders |
948,885 | Feb. 08, 1910 | A.B. Landis | Bolt cutting and pointing machine | screw machines |
1,096,718 | May 12, 1914 | H. Hoff | Plug-making machine | specialty woodworking machines |
1,607,614 | Nov. 23, 1926 | J.H. Graham | Tapping machine | tapping machines |
2,343,603 | Mar. 07, 1944 | W.S. Whiting, Jr. | Cutting and boring machine | wood drilling and boring |
2,379,992 | Jul. 10, 1945 | A.M. Sasgen | Work supporting and finishing apparatus | tool making |