All Patents in class 408/23 |
Patents 1 -
of 15
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
12,708 | Apr. 10, 1855 | J.M. Stone | Lathe for Turning Locomotive Drivers | engine lathes |
91,788 | Jun. 22, 1869 | H.D. Stover | Improved lathe for finishing the drive-wheels of locomotives | metal lathes |
114,512 | May 09, 1871 | J.P. Allen | Combined borer & lathe | wood lathes |
170,683 | Dec. 07, 1875 | J. McLaren | Combination of Lathe Planer and Drilling Machine | metal lathes |
427,037 | May 06, 1890 | J.T. Bright | Cob Pipe Turning and Boring Lathe | pipe making machines |
543,395 | Jul. 23, 1895 | A. Mill | Drilling-machine | drill presses |
578,431 | Mar. 09, 1897 | W.W. Tucker | Turning and Drilling Machine | bicycle machinery |
649,309 | May 08, 1900 | S.J. Hungerford | Combination Metal Working Machine | metal lathes |
670,672 | Mar. 26, 1901 | G.W. Hoadley | Combination Metal and Wood Working Machine | drilling and boring |
701,081 | May 27, 1902 | H.N. Pierce | Spool-machine | spool or bobbin machines |
874,035 | Dec. 17, 1907 | G.G. Prentice | Multiple-spindle automatic turret-machine | turret lathes |
952,474 | Mar. 22, 1910 | W.W. Shonk, J.A. Hutchinson | Lathe for turning cylinders | wood lathes |
1,164,272 | Dec. 14, 1915 | W.C. Farnum | Feeder for boring and turning machines | wood lathe accessories |
2,765,009 | Oct. 02, 1956 | O.D. Doerner | Lathe and drill press assembly | wood lathes |
4,410,025 | Oct. 18, 1983 | J. Sicotte | Method and apparatus for making wooden chair seats | chair maker |