All Patents in class 408/222 |
Patents 1 -
of 14
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
21,960 | Nov. 02, 1858 | W.O. Hickok | Tap for Cutting Wooden Screws | drill bits |
22,394 | Dec. 21, 1858 | N.S. White, A. Denio | Method of attaching cutting-tips to auger-shanks | tool making machines |
54,096 | Apr. 24, 1866 | B.F. Bee | Improved screw-tap | taps and dies |
95,846 | Oct. 12, 1869 | S.A. Smith | Improvement in Combined Bit and Tap | auger bits |
177,410 | May 16, 1876 | S.W. Martin | Screw Tap | taps and dies |
189,719 | Apr. 17, 1877 | J. Flower | Taps and Dies | tap and die holders |
228,882 | Jun. 15, 1880 | T.A. Fleming | Screw Tap | taps and dies |
412,952 | Oct. 15, 1889 | C. Elterich | Tap and holder therefor | taps and dies |
559,372 | May 05, 1896 | C. Elterich | Tap | taps and dies |
586,419 | Jul. 13, 1897 | A. Collet | Tap for Cutting Wood Threads | drill bits |
843,399 | Feb. 05, 1907 | T.J. King | Weeding and Cultivating Device | |
1,538,670 | May 19, 1925 | J.W. Stanley | Tool Holder | metalworking machine tool holders |
2,227,281 | Dec. 31, 1940 | H.J. Smith | Tap | taps and dies |
2,343,632 | Mar. 07, 1944 | H.F. Bakewell | Tap construction | taps and dies |