All Patents in class 377/17 |
Patents 1 -
of 5
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,416,968 | Mar. 04, 1947 | F. Turrettini | Stroboscopic Device for Determining Electrically the Position of an Object | |
2,685,082 | Jul. 27, 1954 | W.D. Caldwell, W.W. Beman | Position Indicating Device | special purpose gauges |
2,788,519 | Apr. 09, 1957 | W.D. Caldwell | Position Indicating Device | measurement gauges |
3,200,921 | Aug. 17, 1965 | J.C. Hollis | Controls for Machine Tools | machine tool controls |
4,154,396 | May 15, 1979 | E.E. Kirkham | Digital Data Reader | machine tool controls |