All Patents in class 341/117 |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
3,175,138 | Mar. 23, 1965 | H.P. Kilroy, J.O. Morin, J.O. McDonough | Digital to Analog Decoder | electronic circuitry and apparatus |
3,177,423 | Apr. 06, 1965 | H.M. Fuldner | Trigonometric Store | machine tool controls |
3,359,499 | Dec. 19, 1967 | J. Steranka, Jr., J.O. McDonough | Apparatus for Rendering Pulse Trains Non Coincident and Algebraically Combining Them | nc and cnc apparatus |
3,594,783 | Jul. 20, 1971 | T.B. Bullock | Apparatus for Numerical Signaling of Positions, Including Digital to Analog Converter | nc and cnc apparatus |
3,866,212 | Feb. 11, 1975 | T.B. Bullock, J.B. Simon | Position Control System with Plural Signal Transmission Through Common Inductive Device | electronic circuitry and apparatus |
3,918,045 | Nov. 04, 1975 | I.K. Taylor, C.M. Bailey, S.A. Scott, R. Gibson, A.H. Morser | Variable Resolution Control System | machine tool controls |