All Patents in class 33/832 |
Patents 1 -
of 35
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
442,020 | Dec. 02, 1890 | S. Darling | Vernier Scale | |
498,726 | May 30, 1893 | C.W. Preston | Stock for Surface Gages or Other Implements | surface gauges |
728,861 | May 26, 1903 | W. Carman | Knife Construction | knives and cutters |
759,512 | May 10, 1904 | H. Frahm | Method of Measuring the Revolutions of Rotating Shafts | rpm speed gauges and tachometers |
872,271 | Nov. 26, 1907 | P.A. Benet | Combination Tool | hatchets |
922,580 | May 25, 1909 | C. Hansen | Rule | folding rules |
924,668 | Jun. 15, 1909 | F.O. Jaques | Height Gage | height gages |
965,312 | Jul. 26, 1910 | M. Meeker, Administratrix, D.C. Meeker, deceased (Estate of) | Universal Square | combination squares |
968,884 | Aug. 30, 1910 | V.E. Middlekauff, W.H. Reisner | Indicating Surface Gage | dial indicator gauges |
1,006,121 | Oct. 17, 1911 | E. Oehrle | Combination Tool | protractors |
1,031,854 | Jul. 09, 1912 | G. Keyes | Siding and Shingling Gage | clapboard markers |
1,040,715 | Oct. 08, 1912 | H. Mann | Centering Device | center finders |
1,096,782 | May 12, 1914 | P.F. Freytag | Combination Tool | square attachments |
1,169,900 | Feb. 01, 1916 | W. Winter | Sine-Bar | angle bars and angle plates |
1,169,928 | Feb. 01, 1916 | W.C. Commons | Movable Sine-Bar | angle bars and angle plates |