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All Patents in class 33/832
Patents 1 - 15 of 35
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442,020Dec. 02, 1890S. DarlingVernier Scale
498,726May 30, 1893C.W. PrestonStock for Surface Gages or Other Implementssurface gauges
728,861May 26, 1903W. CarmanKnife Constructionknives and cutters
759,512May 10, 1904H. FrahmMethod of Measuring the Revolutions of Rotating Shaftsrpm speed gauges and tachometers
872,271Nov. 26, 1907P.A. BenetCombination Toolhatchets
922,580May 25, 1909C. HansenRulefolding rules
924,668Jun. 15, 1909F.O. JaquesHeight Gageheight gages
965,312Jul. 26, 1910M. Meeker, Administratrix, D.C. Meeker, deceased (Estate of)Universal Squarecombination squares
968,884Aug. 30, 1910V.E. Middlekauff, W.H. ReisnerIndicating Surface Gagedial indicator gauges
1,006,121Oct. 17, 1911E. OehrleCombination Toolprotractors
1,031,854Jul. 09, 1912G. KeyesSiding and Shingling Gageclapboard markers
1,040,715Oct. 08, 1912H. MannCentering Devicecenter finders
1,096,782May 12, 1914P.F. FreytagCombination Toolsquare attachments
1,169,900Feb. 01, 1916W. WinterSine-Barangle bars and angle plates
1,169,928Feb. 01, 1916W.C. CommonsMovable Sine-Barangle bars and angle plates
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