All Patents in class 33/495 |
Patents 1 -
of 23
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
65,532 | Jun. 11, 1867 | F. Flanders, S.E. Bickford | Improvement in Graduated Bevel Squares | bevels |
71,953 | Dec. 10, 1867 | S.N. Batchelder | Improvement in Try Squares and Bevels | squares |
73,532 | Jan. 21, 1868 | W.O. Jones | Improvement in Combined Rule and Square | folding rule joints |
73,828 | Jan. 28, 1868 | H.L. Ogden | Improvement in Try Squares | try squares |
79,062 | Jun. 23, 1868 | W.T. Fisher | Improvement in Bevel Squares | bevels |
101,477 | Apr. 05, 1870 | J.A. Littlefield | Improvement in Combined Square, Protractor, Level, & c. | squares |
387,570 | Aug. 07, 1888 | J.A. Traut | Pocket Rule | folding rule joints |
418,493 | Dec. 31, 1889 | J.M. Snidow, J.W. Boughton | Combined File and Try Square | try squares |
496,123 | Apr. 25, 1893 | W.L. Keuffel | Zig Zag Rule | folding rule joints |
532,658 | Jan. 15, 1895 | G.C. Gillespie | Folding Ruler | folding rule joints |
662,388 | Nov. 27, 1900 | T.C. Bassett | Ruler | |
726,973 | May 05, 1903 | J.D. McKinnon | Combination Tool | |
942,583 | Dec. 07, 1909 | W.L. Neeld | Rule | folding rules |
1,160,432 | Nov. 16, 1915 | J.M. Middleton | Rule | rule accessories |
1,275,822 | Aug. 13, 1918 | J.M. Zumwalt | Adjustable Try Square | |