All Patents in class 33/474 |
Patents 1 -
of 21
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
14,863 | May 13, 1856 | J. Gorham | Handsaw | combination saws |
20,313 | May 18, 1858 | H. Smith | Device Attached to Handsaws for Squaring and Marking | combination saws |
95,884 | Oct. 19, 1869 | H. Cramer | Improvement in Saws | combination saws |
134,918 | Jan. 14, 1873 | G. Moore | Improvement in devices for aiding cutting goods on a bias | |
208,104 | Sep. 17, 1878 | J.M. Kurtz | Glazier's Square and Rule | squares |
293,497 | Feb. 12, 1884 | W.N. Nash | Rule and Try Square | try squares |
343,616 | Jun. 15, 1886 | H.A. Cowles, A.S. Upson | Square | squares |
357,771 | Feb. 15, 1887 | W. De Voe, C.D. Janssen | Attachment for squares | |
377,090 | Jan. 31, 1888 | J. Springer | Draftsmans' Lettering Aid | special purpose gauges |
626,258 | Jun. 06, 1899 | J.H. White | Tailor's Square | squares |
750,204 | Jan. 19, 1904 | R.A. Lachmann | Gage | rule attachments |
777,407 | Dec. 13, 1904 | E.J. Early | Combination Drafting Appliance | special purpose gauges |
844,157 | Feb. 12, 1907 | L.R. Loughborough | Drafting Instrument | squares |
855,987 | Jun. 04, 1907 | A.B. Schlageter | Combination-Square | bevel squares |
1,002,734 | Sep. 05, 1911 | N.A. Morse | Square for Cutting Fabric on a Bias | miter squares |