All Patents in class 33/368 |
Patents 1 -
of 8
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Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
39,124 | Jul. 07, 1863 | D.G. Davidson, E. Pullen, J.S. Davidson | Plumb, Level, and Square | plumbs |
169,927 | Nov. 16, 1875 | H.S. Tarr | Improvement in plumb-levels | inclinometers |
304,633 | Sep. 02, 1884 | R.I. Frambes | Level | inclinometers |
416,683 | Dec. 03, 1889 | W.B. Melick | Clinometer | inclinometers |
423,090 | Mar. 11, 1890 | F.F. Smith | Combined Square, Plumb, and Level | squares |
597,886 | Jan. 25, 1898 | H.S. Minot | Plumb Level | inclinometers |
697,718 | Apr. 15, 1902 | T.F. Hickey | Level | levels |
941,368 | Nov. 30, 1909 | M. Ichtertz | Inclinometer with Direct-Reading Dial | inclinometers |