All Patents in class 310/175 |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
567,119 | Sep. 01, 1896 | R. Eickemeyer | Electric motor | |
664,733 | Dec. 25, 1900 | R. Eickemeyer | Method of converting the energy of alternating electric currents into effective mechanical energy | |
733,401 | Jul. 14, 1903 | A. Kimble | Alternating-current-motor controller | motor controls |
787,303 | Apr. 11, 1905 | M.C. Latour | Alternating-current series motor | repulsion start induction run motors |
897,545 | Sep. 01, 1908 | M.C. Latour | Single-phase commutator-motor | electric motors |
909,193 | Jan. 12, 1909 | M.C. Latour | Alternating Current Motor | AC motors |
946,505 | Jan. 11, 1910 | V.A. Fynn | Alternating-current motor | electric motors |
1,104,715 | Jul. 21, 1914 | S. Sparrow | Dynamo-electric machine | electric motors |
1,208,981 | Dec. 19, 1916 | A. Kimble | Dynamo-electric machine | AC motors |
1,296,620 | Mar. 11, 1919 | J. Burke | Series-wound AC motor | AC motors |
1,683,601 | Sep. 11, 1928 | D.M. Bliss | Alternating-current commutator motor | repulsion motors |