All Patents in class 30/389 |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
973 | Oct. 08, 1838 | R. Grant | Grant's annular saw | annular saws |
9,532 | Jan. 11, 1853 | A.M. George | Mode of operating circular saws | circular saws |
12,126 | Jan. 02, 1855 | T.J. Flanders | Construction and mode of driving circular saws | circular saws |
86,407 | Feb. 02, 1869 | N. Jenkins | Improvement in saws | annular saws |
108,370 | Oct. 18, 1870 | G.W. Lombard | Improvement in sawing-machines | annular saws |
252,268 | Jan. 10, 1882 | O.F. Silcott | Rim-saw machine | annular saws |
368,618 | Aug. 23, 1887 | D.R. Proctor | Circular sawing machine | circular ripsaws |
530,791 | Dec. 11, 1894 | C.C. Newton | Mechanism for Driving Saws | sawblades |
2,490,255 | Dec. 06, 1949 | H.A. Chase | Portable power actuated rim-driven annular saw | handheld power tools |