All Patents in class 30/299 |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
99,863 | Feb. 15, 1870 | A.W. Dorr | Improvement in tool for checking timber | cooper |
632,287 | Sep. 05, 1899 | J.D. Swacick | Knife for cutting hay or cane | |
860,544 | Jul. 16, 1907 | J.E. Howell | Butt chisel | chisels |
1,540,373 | Jun. 02, 1925 | R.S. Squire | Bearing scraper | |
1,956,275 | Apr. 24, 1934 | H.J. Cook | Fiber Board Plane | bench planes |
D155,412 | Oct. 04, 1949 | S.L. Gerson | Combination Kitchen Tool | cutlery |
2,833,036 | May 06, 1958 | A.B. Aciego | Combination Sheath and Tool Holder for Knife Blade | knives and cutters |