All Patents in class 30/281 |
Patents 1 -
of 94
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
9,796X | Jun. 28, 1836 | E. Richards | Drawing Knife | spokeshaves |
184 | Apr. 29, 1837 | I.L. Beckwith | Improvement in Spokeshaves | spokeshaves |
2,749 | Aug. 06, 1842 | C. Stratton | Shave for Getting Out Wooden Hoops for Casks, &c., and Basket-Stuff | cooper |
13,846 | Nov. 27, 1855 | J.P. Heacock | Cooper's Tool for Overshaving | cooper |
14,018 | Jan. 01, 1856 | E. Holmes | Spokeshave | spokeshaves |
14,635 | Apr. 08, 1856 | M. Snow | Spokeshave Cutter with Split Tang | spokeshaves |
17,111 | Apr. 21, 1857 | M. Packard | Method of Adjusting and Holding the Knives of Spokeshaves | spokeshaves |
20,459 | Jun. 01, 1858 | C.H. Weston | Spokeshave | spokeshaves |
20,855 | Jul. 13, 1858 | L. Bailey | Spoke-Shave | spokeshaves |
20,960 | Jul. 20, 1858 | V. Snell | Heel Shaver for Boots and Shoes | shaves |
22,889 | Feb. 08, 1859 | J.A. Perley | Heel and Spoke Shave | shaves |
23,927 | May 10, 1859 | B. Tolman | Heel Shave | shaves |
30,071 | Sep. 18, 1860 | S. Leonard | Spoke-Shave | spokeshaves |
30,648 | Nov. 13, 1860 | D.E. Somes | Heel Shave | cobbler |
32,617 | Jun. 25, 1861 | M. Colton | Spoke Shave | spokeshaves |