All Patents in class 30/1.5 |
Patents 1 -
of 31
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
104,453 | Jun. 21, 1870 | J.T. Haviland | Corkscrew | combination cork extractors |
107,125 | Sep. 06, 1870 | J.A. Traut | Improved device for cutting wire or cord from bottle-stoppers | |
115,585 | Jun. 06, 1871 | W. Dickson | Improvement in cork-screw attachments | mechanical cork extractors |
118,453 | Aug. 29, 1871 | G.J. Hill | Improvement in Bottle and Box Openers | |
234,646 | Nov. 23, 1880 | I.N. Arment | Opener For Cans and Bottles | combination cork extractors |
257,982 | May 16, 1882 | J.A. Schmidt | Nippers For Opening Bottles | pliers |
279,203 | Jun. 12, 1883 | T.M. Strait | Corkscrew | self and partial cork pullers |
299,738 | Jun. 03, 1884 | C. Chinnock | Corkscrew | mechanical cork extractors |
353,860 | Dec. 07, 1886 | C.H. Hudson | Corkscrew | self and partial cork pullers |
390,183 | Sep. 25, 1888 | C. Morgan, E.H. Morgan | Cork-extractor | bar corkscrews |
405,383 | Jun. 18, 1889 | K. Taylor | Cork Extractor | non worm cork extractors |
431,086 | Jul. 01, 1890 | J.A. Traut | Bottle Opener | cork extractors |
455,826 | Jul. 14, 1891 | D.W. Davis | Corkscrew | lever cork extractors |
501,975 | Jul. 25, 1893 | E. Walker | Corkscrew | self and partial cork pullers |
522,672 | Jul. 10, 1894 | C. Puddefoot | Corkscrew | lever cork extractors |