All Patents in class 29/45 |
Patents 1 -
of 16
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
45,054 | Nov. 15, 1864 | L.W. Langdon | Improvement in screw-cutting machines | screw machines |
88,262 | Mar. 30, 1869 | E.A. Bagley | Screw Cutting Machine | screw machines |
247,352 | Sep. 20, 1881 | E. Horton | Machine for Turning Arbors for Pinions | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
253,774 | Feb. 14, 1882 | J.B. Secor | Device for Operating Tool Holding Turrets | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
257,676 | May 09, 1882 | F. Ecaubert | Metal Working Lathe | metal lathes |
261,383 | Jul. 18, 1882 | P.W. Reinshagen | Turret Lathe | turret lathes |
310,910 | Jan. 20, 1885 | C. Piquerez | Watch Case Graving Machine | watchmaking machinery |
329,447 | Nov. 03, 1885 | W. Frech | Tool Holding Attachment for Lathes | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
377,080 | Jan. 31, 1888 | E. Lindner | Turning Lathe | turret lathes |
390,190 | Sep. 25, 1888 | F.H. Richards | Turret-lock | turret lathes |
413,870 | Oct. 29, 1889 | J.N. Severance | Lathe Attachment for Making Metal Screws | button making machinery |
434,930 | Aug. 26, 1890 | W. Houghtaling | Lathe | turret lathes |
452,495 | May 19, 1891 | E. Lindner | Turning Lathe | turret lathes |
612,154 | Oct. 11, 1898 | L.H. Blood | Turret Mechanism | turret lathes |
904,579 | Nov. 24, 1908 | H. Vogel | Tool Holder | lathe tool holders and tool posts |