All Patents in class 29/34D |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
1,869,006 | Jul. 26, 1932 | W.W. Criley | Solid Die Header | forging apparatus and accessories |
2,234,728 | Mar. 11, 1941 | F.W. Gaines, III | Feeding and Straightening Means | workpiece changers and storage mechanisms |
2,310,916 | Feb. 09, 1943 | W.A. Ehlert, F.W. Gaines, III | Apparatus for Drawing and Straightening Wire Stock | wire drawing machines |
2,337,881 | Dec. 28, 1943 | F.W. Gaines, III | Wire Drawing Machine and Method | wire drawing machines |
2,639,632 | May 26, 1953 | H.P. Boggis, F.F. Criley | Forging machine | forging machines |
3,017,016 | Jan. 16, 1962 | L.D. Mersek, W.A. Ehlert | Wire Drawing Apparatus | wire drawing machines |
3,184,943 | May 25, 1965 | B.F. Ware | Wire Shaping and Drawing | wire drawing machines |