All Patents in class 269/76 |
Patents 1 -
of 21
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
82,095 | Sep. 15, 1868 | F.J. Dibble | Improvement in Vises | bench vises |
91,309 | Jun. 15, 1869 | O. Dean | Improved vise and drill combined | bench vises |
95,663 | Oct. 12, 1869 | O. Dean | Improved Vise | bench vises |
172,306 | Jan. 18, 1876 | W. Esty | Planer-Chucks | metal planer accessories |
348,299 | Aug. 31, 1886 | E.S. Stehman | Block for engravers' use | engraver |
403,107 | May 14, 1889 | B. Holly | Vise | bench vises |
652,441 | Jun. 26, 1900 | E.J. McClellan | Milling Machine Vice | milling machine accessories |
683,178 | Sep. 24, 1901 | C. Jackson | Machine Tool | metal planers |
851,491 | Apr. 23, 1907 | P. Broadbooks | Vise | vises |
1,039,831 | Oct. 01, 1912 | J.G. Sisson | Work Clamp | hand vises |
1,130,082 | Mar. 02, 1915 | J. Halterbeck | Woodworking-Vise | bench vises |
1,245,741 | Nov. 06, 1917 | H.S. Kuhn | Universal Base for Pipe Vises | pipe and chain vises |
1,600,835 | Sep. 21, 1926 | R.E. Manley | Engine stand | vehicle mechanic |
2,142,923 | Jan. 03, 1939 | R.P. Stocking | Drill grinding machine | drill grinders |
2,271,532 | Feb. 03, 1942 | C.T. Allmendinger | Combined Work and Tool Holder | drilling and boring tool holders |