All Patents in class 269/4 |
Patents 1 -
of 14
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
11,781 | Oct. 10, 1854 | T. Fowler | Sewing Clamp | |
95,392 | Sep. 28, 1869 | W.X. Stevens | Improved Vise | hand vises |
119,280 | Sep. 26, 1871 | R. Phillps | Improvement in Vises | bench vises |
205,434 | Jun. 25, 1878 | B.F. Stephens | Hand Vise | hand vises |
231,890 | Sep. 07, 1880 | H.K. Austin | File Holder | file holders |
282,033 | Jul. 31, 1883 | E.D. Chaplin, G. Amborn, Jr. | The Model Vise | hand vises |
290,106 | Dec. 11, 1883 | H. Port | Convertible Tool | combination tools |
452,639 | May 19, 1891 | C.H. Gatchell | Vise or Clamp | bench vises |
519,774 | May 15, 1894 | M.C. Randleman, Z.S. Randleman | Improved Adjustable Tongs, Wrench and Vise | combination tools |
601,302 | Mar. 29, 1898 | S.J. Johnston | Combination-tool | brace wrenches |
606,395 | Jun. 28, 1898 | E.H. Shaw | Combination-tool | combination tools |
1,244,273 | Oct. 23, 1917 | J.G. Wright | Wrench | wrench combination tools |
1,473,946 | Nov. 13, 1923 | W.D. Starrett, A.W. Amsden | Combination hand vise | hand vises |
1,818,869 | Aug. 11, 1931 | E.J. Reede | Tool | pliers |