All Patents in class 269/3 |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
17,960 | Aug. 11, 1857 | H. Dillaway | Making Glassware | |
203,701 | May 14, 1878 | D.F. Brown, Sr. | Combined Vise, Wrench and Pincher | combination tools |
253,581 | Feb. 14, 1882 | C.L. Butler | Vise | hand vises |
297,853 | Apr. 29, 1884 | C.B. Rubert | Watch Maker's Hand Vise And Ring Bender | pliers |
351,550 | Oct. 26, 1886 | C.A. Weller | Clamping Device | lathe dogs |
388,148 | Aug. 21, 1888 | H.H. Perkins | Adjustable Chamfer Gage for Drawing Knives | |
556,163 | Mar. 10, 1896 | G.H. Reissig | Hand Vice | hand vises |
650,395 | May 29, 1900 | C.H. Jenkins | Watchmaker's hand-vise | watchmaker |
828,787 | Aug. 14, 1906 | F. van Cauwenbergh | Hand vise | hand vises |
1,039,831 | Oct. 01, 1912 | J.G. Sisson | Work Clamp | hand vises |
1,094,400 | Apr. 21, 1914 | J.C. Burgess | Wrench or Vise | screw adjust wrenches |