All Patents in class 269/297 |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
6,154 | Mar. 06, 1849 | R.S. Tilden | Punching Machine with a Combination of Adjustable Gages | metal punching machines |
55,238 | Jun. 05, 1866 | A. Casebeer | Improvement in machines for jointing staves | barrel making machines |
140,267 | Jun. 24, 1873 | F.D. Green | Improvement in mitering-machines | tablesaws |
1,254,044 | Jan. 22, 1918 | J.R. Johnson | Work-support | milling machines |
1,371,617 | Mar. 15, 1921 | H. Germanow | Combination-Vise | toolmakers vises |
2,421,957 | Jun. 10, 1947 | T.E. Mead | Work holding apparatus | |
2,576,340 | Nov. 27, 1951 | L.C. Hammond | Saw gauge | printer |
4,415,149 | Nov. 15, 1983 | S.C. Rees | Portable workbench | workbenches |
4,934,422 | Jun. 19, 1990 | R.M. Hempy, C.J. Baird, J.L. Haffely | Bench mountable plate joining machine | |