All Patents in class 269/156 |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
18,612 | Nov. 10, 1857 | J. Thrasher | Clamp for Boring Hubs | wheelwright |
297,981 | May 06, 1884 | A.E. Francis | Jeweler's Vise | vises |
351,550 | Oct. 26, 1886 | C.A. Weller | Clamping Device | lathe dogs |
510,293 | Dec. 05, 1893 | W.G. Richards | Machine Vice | metalworking machine vises |
524,330 | Aug. 14, 1894 | J. Lane | Pipe-vise | pipe and chain vises |
666,196 | Jan. 15, 1901 | F.P. Howe | Magnetic stop | power hacksaws |
1,047,519 | Dec. 17, 1912 | H.A. Haskell | Clamp | miter and corner clamps |
1,469,360 | Oct. 02, 1923 | J.K. Cullen | Clamp and grip chuck | car wheel lathes |
2,973,674 | Mar. 07, 1961 | J.A. Hladik | Drilling fixture for spherical objects | |
4,201,376 | May 06, 1980 | K.V. Phillips | Adjustable Clamp for V-Block | V block clamps |
6,254,077 | Jul. 03, 2001 | W.R. Riley, Jr. | Clamp and V-Block Apparatus | V block clamps |