All Patents in class 250/233 |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,670,650 | Mar. 02, 1954 | R.W. Willmotte | Electronic Limit Micrometer | micrometers |
2,685,082 | Jul. 27, 1954 | W.D. Caldwell, W.W. Beman | Position Indicating Device | special purpose gauges |
2,753,502 | Jul. 03, 1956 | H.O. Kylin | Electric Motor Control for Spindle Postioner | machine tool controls |
2,788,519 | Apr. 09, 1957 | W.D. Caldwell | Position Indicating Device | measurement gauges |
2,832,894 | Apr. 29, 1958 | R.H. Eisengrein, R.J. W, D.A. Straznickas | Automatic machine | |
2,853,626 | Sep. 23, 1958 | T.A. Wetzel | Automatic Copying Machine with Anticipator Control | milling machines |
3,040,215 | Jun. 19, 1962 | E.B. Farmer, W. Whitehouse | Shaft Rotation Senser | scales and balances |
3,831,402 | Aug. 27, 1974 | R.H. Schuman | Knitting Machine Encoder | knitting machines |