All Patents in class 236/1EB |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,289,047 | Jul. 07, 1942 | P.S. Russel | Heating Apparatus | heating apparatus |
2,310,494 | Feb. 09, 1943 | P.S. Russel | Heating System | heating apparatus |
2,329,473 | Sep. 14, 1943 | W.S. Landon | Heating Apparatus | flow controls |
2,335,212 | Nov. 23, 1943 | W.S. Landon | Heating Apparatus | heating apparatus |
2,337,476 | Dec. 21, 1943 | P.S. Russel, W.S. Landon | Control Apparatus | flow controls |
2,356,928 | Aug. 29, 1944 | A.G. Hann | Control Device | flow controls |
2,364,591 | Dec. 05, 1944 | W.S. Landon, J.L. Stoughton | Controlling Means | flow controls |
2,396,205 | Mar. 05, 1946 | P.S. Russel | Controlling Means | flow controls |
2,461,328 | Feb. 08, 1949 | W.S. Landon | Controlling Means and System | flow controls |