All Patents in class 227/93 |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
6,965 | Dec. 18, 1849 | A. Broad | Machinery for dressing staves | barrel making machines |
17,544 | Jun. 09, 1857 | B.F. Sturtevant | Machine for pegging boots and shoes | shoe and boot making machines |
RE3,517 | Jun. 22, 1869 | A.C. Gallahue | Improved machine for pegging boots and shoes | shoe and boot making machines |
501,730 | Jul. 18, 1893 | W.K. Liggett, J. Pleukharp | Hoop-making machine | hoop making machines |
1,020,436 | Mar. 19, 1912 | H.W. Morgan | Nailing Machine | nailing machines |
1,450,730 | Apr. 03, 1923 | C.A. MacDonald | Nailer for corrugated fasteners | nailing machines |
2,036,988 | Apr. 07, 1936 | D.J. Ajouelo | Machine for making and inserting metallic fastenings | shoe and boot making machines |