All Patents in class 192/98 |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
298,979 | May 20, 1884 | M.C. Johnson | Friction Clutch | industrial machine clutches |
303,321 | Aug. 12, 1884 | F.H. Richards | Friction Clutch | industrial machine clutches |
586,263 | Jul. 13, 1897 | T.H. Worrall, A. Lesperance | Power-shifting device for clutch mechanisms | metalworking power transmission |
1,062,840 | May 27, 1913 | W.L. Miller | Clutch Mechanism | metalworking power transmission |
1,140,326 | May 18, 1915 | B.M. Hanson | Clutch Mechanism | industrial machine clutches |
1,606,127 | Nov. 09, 1926 | G.F. Kolb | Bearing for Clutch-Releasing Devices and Other Purposes | |