All Patents in class 192/79 |
Patents 1 -
of 10
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
29,939 | Sep. 04, 1860 | F.A. Pratt | Improvement in devices for stopping and changing motion | |
RE2,588 | Apr. 30, 1867 | F.A. Pratt | Improvement in device for stopping and changing motion | |
93,847 | Aug. 17, 1869 | A. Whitcomb | Planing Metals | metal planers |
247,763 | Oct. 04, 1881 | A. Hyde | Friction Clutch | friction clutches |
316,789 | Apr. 28, 1885 | H.B. Keiper | Device for Converting Motion | metalworking machine mechanisms |
410,232 | Sep. 03, 1889 | R.C. Borchers | Friction Coupling | industrial machine clutches |
459,458 | Sep. 15, 1891 | P. Medart | Friction-clutch | friction clutches |
687,808 | Dec. 03, 1901 | L.W. Witry | Friction-clutch | clutches |
1,064,242 | Jun. 10, 1913 | H.D. Murray | Friction Clutch | clutches |
1,153,635 | Sep. 14, 1915 | N. Lombard | Friction-clutch | industrial machine clutches |