All Patents in class 184/5 |
Patents 1 -
of 10
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
42,797 | May 17, 1864 | W. Sellers | Improvement in Machines for Planing Iron | metal planers |
230,099 | Jul. 13, 1880 | D.A. Woodbury | Lubricator for Slides for Steam-Engines and Other Machinery | steam engine lubricators |
413,457 | Oct. 22, 1889 | H.C. Pease | Metal Planing Machine | metal planers |
1,097,221 | May 19, 1914 | F.A. Parsons, W.K. Buxbaum, J. Goetz | Lubricator for Table Bearings of Milling Machines | machine lubricators |
1,258,129 | Mar. 05, 1918 | A.R. McCann | Combined drip-cup and wiper | metal planers |
1,507,070 | Sep. 02, 1924 | C.E. Linden, G.H. Langen | Planer Lubricating Device | metal planers |
1,699,816 | Jan. 22, 1929 | A.M. Sosa, H. Baerbalck | Lubricating device | metal shapers |
1,781,755 | Nov. 18, 1930 | W.F. Groene | Lathe Oiling Mechanism | metalworking machine mechanisms |
1,938,786 | Dec. 12, 1933 | E.D. Vancil | Spring Operated Wiper | metalworking machine mechanisms |
1,975,951 | Oct. 09, 1934 | B.A. Kearns | Machine Tool | grinding machines |