All Patents in class 173/13 |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
1,525,357 | Feb. 03, 1925 | F.J. Backscheider | Portable electric tool | handheld power tools |
1,684,231 | Sep. 11, 1928 | A. Levedahl | Stud driver | handheld power tool accessories |
1,699,870 | Jan. 22, 1929 | S.D. Black, A.G. Decker | Portable tool | handheld power tools |
1,852,736 | Apr. 05, 1932 | E.L. Connell | Drilling or tapping machine | |
2,870,659 | Jan. 27, 1959 | F.G. Burg | Machine tool having a turret head | drill presses |
4,084,645 | Apr. 18, 1978 | S. Salamone | Apparatus for securing T-edging and similar edging bands | specialty woodworking machines |