All Patents in class 173/127 |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
271,781 | Feb. 06, 1883 | B. Brazelle | Steam-engine | pneumatic tools |
278,600 | May 29, 1883 | J. Robson | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
284,173 | Sep. 04, 1883 | B. Brazelle | Direct-acting engine | pneumatic tools |
504,803 | Sep. 12, 1893 | D. Drawbaugh | Pneumatic tool | |
605,544 | Jun. 14, 1898 | R.J. Good | Drop Hammer | drop hammers |
942,756 | Dec. 07, 1909 | W. Norris, T. Scott-King | Power Hammer | power hammers |
2,433,007 | Dec. 23, 1947 | C.S. Weyandt | Internal-combustion percussion tool | gas and gasoline engines |
2,561,093 | Jul. 17, 1951 | V.W. Breitenstein, E.R. Boddinghouse | Internal-combustion rammer | handheld power tools |
2,612,868 | Oct. 07, 1952 | R.P. Fitzgerald | Pneumatic drop hammer | drop hammers |