All Patents in class 169/24 |
Patents 1 -
of 12
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
12,912 | May 22, 1855 | A.B. Latta | Carriage for Steam Fire-Engines | steam fire engines |
75,348 | Mar. 10, 1868 | N.S. Bean | Self Propelling Engine | steam fire engines |
79,730 | Jul. 07, 1868 | H.S. Cole, E.R. Cole | Fire Engine | fire engines |
116,151 | Jun. 20, 1871 | T.E. Button, L. Button | Improvement in Steam Fire Engines | steam fire engines |
172,916 | Feb. 01, 1876 | H.M. Durphy | Portable Steam Engine | portable steam engines |
174,706 | Mar. 14, 1876 | C.R. Shiveley | Traction Engine | steam traction engines |
284,061 | Aug. 28, 1883 | G.H. Reynolds | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
299,484 | May 27, 1884 | H.B. Larzelere | Portable Engine | portable steam engines |
519,924 | May 15, 1894 | W.P. Norton | Screw Cutting Engine Lathe | screwcutting lathes |
547,205 | Oct. 01, 1895 | P.H. Flansburg | Traction Engine | steam traction engines |
593,296 | Nov. 09, 1897 | J.J. Heilmann | Oil and Gas Engine | oil engines |
943,233 | Dec. 14, 1909 | J. Boyle | Exhaust-muffler | mufflers |