All Patents in class 144/64 |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
332 | Jul. 31, 1837 | J. Lyon | Improvement in the mode of smelting iron ores by the employment of a composition of anthracite and clay as a fuel | foundryman |
10,809 | Apr. 18, 1854 | A. Sohn | Machine for filling match-frames | match making machines |
11,860 | Oct. 31, 1854 | W. Gates, Jr. | Machine for filling match-frames | match making machines |
55,808 | Jun. 26, 1866 | J. Bentz | Improved machine for framing matches | match making machines |
68,342 | Sep. 03, 1867 | J. Bentz | Improved machine for framing match-splints | match making machines |
92,415 | Jul. 13, 1869 | W. Tucker, E. Andrews | Improvement in match-machine | match making machines |
136,893 | Mar. 18, 1873 | F. Zaiss | Improvement in machines for making match-sticks | match making machines |
326,141 | Sep. 15, 1885 | W.A. Oaks | Machine for inserting rivets in knife-handles | tool making machines |
602,275 | Apr. 12, 1898 | A.M. Simmons | Nail-setting machines | nailing machines |