All Patents in class 144/253.4 |
Patents 1 -
of 12
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
9,220 | Aug. 24, 1852 | G.B. Pullinger | Machine for cutting hand-rails | wood shapers |
19,702 | Mar. 23, 1858 | J.W. Killam | Method of clamping polygonal pieces in planing-machines | wood planers |
87,430 | Mar. 02, 1869 | J.H. Preston | Improvement in carriage for sawing saddle-tree stuff | sawmill carriages |
122,674 | Jan. 09, 1872 | C. Spofford | Improvement in machines for chamfering the rails of wagon-bodies | wheelwright |
124,267 | Mar. 05, 1872 | S. Heyser | Improvement in paneling-machines | wood shapers |
172,414 | Jan. 18, 1876 | H.R. French | Improvement in machines for making slides for extension-tables | dado machines |
221,818 | Nov. 18, 1879 | E.G. Holden | Improvement in mitering attachments for sawing-machines | scrollsaws |
277,827 | May 15, 1883 | S.R. Bailey | Wood-dressing machine | specialty woodworking machines |
407,523 | Jul. 23, 1889 | A. Greg | Self-acting sawing-machine | specialty woodworking machines |
782,088 | Feb. 07, 1905 | A.F. Ward | Hoop-sawing machine | hoop making machines |
1,096,718 | May 12, 1914 | H. Hoff | Plug-making machine | specialty woodworking machines |
2,780,253 | Feb. 05, 1957 | C.G. Joa | Self-centering feed rolls for a dowel machine or the like | dowel making machines |