All Patents in class 144/232 |
Patents 1 -
of 14
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
10,017 | Sep. 13, 1853 | J.M. Smith | Improved cutter-head for molding machines | cutters |
39,019 | Jun. 23, 1863 | A. Weiller | Improved machinery for making wooden cases for lead-pencils | pencil making machines |
103,200 | May 17, 1870 | J. Kuehnle | Improvement in cutter-head for planing-machines | cutterheads |
125,765 | Apr. 16, 1872 | D. Stanley | Improvement in molding cutter-heads | cutterheads |
143,565 | Oct. 14, 1873 | H. Fletcher | Improvement in cutter-heads | cutterheads |
155,039 | Sep. 15, 1874 | G. Montgomery | Improvement in cutter-heads | cutterheads |
179,598 | Jul. 04, 1876 | D.K. Overhiser | Improvement in cutter-heads | cutterheads |
203,552 | May 14, 1878 | R. Naatz | Improvement in cutter-heads for frizzing-machines | cutterheads |
226,381 | Apr. 13, 1880 | G.W. Amesbury | Cutter head | cutterheads |
264,906 | Sep. 26, 1882 | J. Stamm | Cutter-head | cutterheads |
339,825 | Apr. 13, 1886 | C.E. Temple | Cutter-head | cutterheads |
348,367 | Aug. 31, 1886 | W.A. Woodroffe | Cutter-head | cutterheads |
461,866 | Oct. 27, 1891 | E.J. Coleman | Lathe for pulley- and tackle-blocks | pulley making machines |
541,100 | Jun. 18, 1895 | J. Kuehnle | Coping head and bit | cutters |