All Patents in class 144/141 |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
65,226 | May 28, 1867 | G.S. Hudson | Improvement in molding machines | molders |
78,200 | May 26, 1868 | J. Flory | Improvement in machines for rounding the corners of slate-frames | specialty woodworking machines |
208,202 | Sep. 17, 1878 | G.S. Roberts | Improvement in molding-machines and wood moldings | molders |
331,050 | Nov. 24, 1885 | W.S. Garrison | Molding-machine | molders |
344,867 | Jul. 06, 1886 | C.F. Ritchel | Planing and matching machine | matchers |
376,704 | Jan. 17, 1888 | B.L. Bradley | Molding-machine | wood shapers |
480,462 | Aug. 09, 1892 | C.L. Goehring | Means for ornamenting wood | specialty woodworking machines |
574,088 | Dec. 29, 1896 | H. Harrer | Carving machine | carving machines |
603,037 | Apr. 26, 1898 | J.B. Chace | Thumb-hole-cutting machine | specialty woodworking machines |
681,049 | Aug. 20, 1901 | G.A. Ensign | Automatic spoke facing and tapering | wheelwright |
2,607,375 | Aug. 19, 1952 | D.P. Motta, H.C. Lucas, F.H. Gillespie | Dovetailing Attachment | dovetailing machines |