All Patents in class 142/29 |
Patents 1 -
of 14
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
3,695 | Aug. 07, 1844 | J. Embree | Machine for making scythe-handles and other curved articles of like character | wood lathes |
12,926 | May 22, 1855 | G. Turner | Mandrel for cutting tapering sticks | wood lathe chucks |
78,554 | Jun. 02, 1868 | N.L. Tomlinson | Improvement in machines for making treenails | wood lathes |
109,912 | Dec. 06, 1870 | S.U. King | Improvement in lathes | wood lathes |
123,058 | Jan. 23, 1872 | T. Sullivan | Scythe-snath lathe | wood lathes |
293,829 | Feb. 19, 1884 | J.D. Westcott | Cutter-head for handle-turning lathes | cutterheads |
326,000 | Sep. 08, 1885 | F.A. Wellman | Scythe-snath lathe | wood lathes |
357,029 | Feb. 01, 1887 | H. Plumb | Rod-sanding machine | sanding machines |
445,032 | Jan. 20, 1891 | N. Heinz, A.G. Baumeister | Handle lathe | wood lathes |
456,317 | Jul. 21, 1891 | W.D. Snyder | Handle lathe | wood lathes |
570,867 | Nov. 03, 1896 | M.E. Clark | Machine for finishing stock | sanding machines |
949,765 | Feb. 22, 1910 | W.S. Hawker | Turning-machine head | dowel making machines |
2,556,415 | Jun. 12, 1951 | R.E. Buck | Dowel cutter | wood lathe chucks |
6,263,929 | Jul. 24, 2001 | L.G. Lee, L. Sevack, A. Aziz | Dowel maker | |