All Patents in class 142/23 |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
34,467 | Feb. 18, 1862 | H. Newhouse | Improvement in machines for cutting twist-moldings | rope and spiral cutting machines |
41,478 | Feb. 09, 1864 | A.A. Burr | Lathe tool | wood lathe accessories |
61,306 | Jan. 22, 1867 | E.C. Austin | Lathe for making rope moldings | rope and spiral cutting machines |
92,312 | Jul. 06, 1869 | N.W. House | Improvement in rope-molding machine | rope and spiral cutting machines |
117,083 | Jul. 18, 1871 | I.L. Lamb | Lathe for spiral and rope moldings | rope and spiral cutting machines |
RE6,170 | Dec. 15, 1874 | E.C. Austin | Improvement in tools for cutting rope-moulding | rope and spiral cutting machines |
167,329 | Aug. 31, 1875 | H. Glanz | Improvement in machines for making rope-molding | rope and spiral cutting machines |
346,679 | Aug. 03, 1886 | W.A. Parmelee | Rope-molding machine | rope and spiral cutting machines |
420,982 | Feb. 11, 1890 | G. Wunderle, A. Schmid, E. Zimmermann | Spiral lathe | rope and spiral cutting machines |