All Patents in class 142/1 |
Patents 1 -
of 88
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
6,485X | Apr. 16, 1831 | J. Partridge | Tray-making machine | specialty woodworking machines |
903 | Aug. 30, 1838 | J.E. Andrews | Machine for turning treenails, bannisters, rake-handles, and cylindrical articles | wood lathes |
4,325 | Dec. 26, 1845 | E. Page | Lathe for turning regular forms | wood lathes |
13,208 | Jul. 10, 1855 | W. Blackburn | Automatic machine for turning ship-spars, &c. | wood lathes |
15,233 | Jul. 01, 1856 | J. Hennon | Method of turning carriage, &c., axletrees | wood lathes |
15,446 | Jul. 29, 1856 | A.D. Waymoth | Machine for manufacturing spools | wood lathes |
17,500 | Jun. 09, 1857 | L. Eames | Machine for preparing hub-blocks for the lathe | wood lathes |
22,043 | Nov. 09, 1858 | A. Warth | Lathe for turning wood | wood lathes |
26,192 | Nov. 22, 1859 | C. Kilburn | Lathe attachment | wood lathes |
39,644 | Aug. 25, 1863 | L. Gray | Manufacture of Bungs | bung making machines |
39,817 | Sep. 08, 1863 | L.A. Johnson | Lathe for turning billiard balls | wood lathes |
40,004 | Sep. 15, 1863 | H.S. Jacobs | Improved wheel-dressing machine | wheelwright |
41,277 | Jan. 19, 1864 | R.B. Carsley | Improvement in lathes for turning spherical shapes | wood lathes |
49,516 | Aug. 22, 1865 | R.W. George | Improvement in wood-turning lathes | wood lathes |
53,382 | Mar. 20, 1866 | H.C. Sisco | Improvement in lathes for turning wagon-hubs | wood lathes |