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All Patents in class 123/90.6
Patents 1 - 15 of 15
First set of recordsLast set of records
259,736Jun. 20, 1882H. WiedlingGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
311,214Jan. 27, 1885G.M. WardGas Motorgas and gasoline engines
313,923Mar. 17, 1885G. DaimlerGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
316,868Apr. 28, 1885C. BenzGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
334,109Jan. 12, 1886G. DaimlerMotor Engine Worked by Combustible Gases or Petroleumgas and gasoline engines
349,983Sep. 28, 1886G. DaimlerMotor Engine
418,112Dec. 24, 1889G. DaimlerGas or Petroleum Motor
426,297Apr. 22, 1890J. MohsGas Engineinternal combustion engine valves
430,312Jun. 17, 1890J.W. EisenhuthSingle Acting Explosive Engine
430,504Jun. 17, 1890J.F. Daly, M.M. BarrettGasolene Enginegas and gasoline engines
563,535Jul. 07, 1896P.A. WinandGas or Oil Engineoil engines
622,876Apr. 11, 1899R.G. Anderson, E.E. AllyneGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
632,763Sep. 12, 1899H. SmithExplosive Gas Enginegas and gasoline engines
1,072,366Sep. 02, 1913C.E. SargentGas Engine gas and gasoline engines
1,395,658Nov. 01, 1921J. ScholtzGas Enginevalves
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