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All Patents in class 123/90.48
Patents 1 - 15 of 22
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253,709Feb. 14, 1882R. HutchinsonGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
276,751May 01, 1883C.W. BaldwinGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
287,578Oct. 30, 1883G.H. ReynoldsGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
430,312Jun. 17, 1890J.W. EisenhuthSingle Acting Explosive Engine
430,505Jun. 17, 1890J.F. Daly, M.M. BarrettGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
439,702Nov. 04, 1890H.A. StuartPetroleum Engine or Motor
448,989Mar. 24, 1891E. NarjotGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
531,861Jan. 01, 1895C.M. RhodesGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
540,923Jun. 11, 1895C.M. RhodesGas Engineinternal combustion engines
549,939Nov. 19, 1895W. SeckMarine Hydrocarbon Motoroil engines
565,786Aug. 11, 1896M.F. Bates, R.E. OldsGas or Vapor Engineinternal combustion engines
577,536Feb. 23, 1897A. PeugeotOil Engineoil engines
578,112Mar. 02, 1897L.H. NashGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
622,876Apr. 11, 1899R.G. Anderson, E.E. AllyneGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
632,763Sep. 12, 1899H. SmithExplosive Gas Enginegas and gasoline engines
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