All Patents in class 123/73D |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
577,536 | Feb. 23, 1897 | A. Peugeot | Oil Engine | oil engines |
658,367 | Sep. 25, 1900 | E. Apperson, E. Haynes | Explosive Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
666,264 | Jan. 22, 1901 | J.F. Denison | Valve for Explosion Engines | internal combustion traction engines |
713,792 | Nov. 18, 1902 | J.A. Ostenberg | Explosive Engine | |
1,136,488 | Apr. 20, 1915 | C.E. Sargent | Gas Driven Air Compressor | gas and gasoline engines |
1,451,407 | Apr. 10, 1923 | C.E. Sargent | Internal Combustion Engine | diesel engines |