All Patents in class 123/73A |
Patents 1 -
of 19
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
386,211 | Jul. 17, 1888 | L.H. Nash | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
544,210 | Aug. 06, 1895 | F.W. Cock | Gas Engine | internal combustion engines |
545,502 | Sep. 03, 1895 | H.H. Nennegin | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
569,530 | Oct. 13, 1896 | H.A. Winter | Gas Engine | internal combustion engines |
579,860 | Mar. 30, 1897 | O. Colborne | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
592,033 | Oct. 19, 1897 | C.W. Weiss | Explosive Engine | oil engines |
603,125 | Apr. 26, 1898 | C.W. McKibben, J. Carnes | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
617,372 | Jan. 10, 1899 | E.E. Truscott | Explosive Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
632,814 | Sep. 12, 1899 | B.M. Bullock, J.D. Hay | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
642,562 | Jan. 30, 1900 | H.F. Probert | Vaporizer for Gas Engines | fuel systems |
644,951 | Mar. 06, 1900 | J.E. Thornton, J.P. Lea | Internal Combustion Engine | oil engines |
659,944 | Oct. 16, 1900 | H.D. Weed | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
668,111 | Feb. 12, 1901 | W. Maybach | Explosion and Combustion Motor | internal combustion engines |
900,083 | Oct. 06, 1908 | C.A. Clark | Gas Engine | internal combustion engines |
1,591,032 | Jul. 06, 1926 | E.E. Fopay | Internal Combustion Engine | |