All Patents in class 123/55.4 |
Patents 1 -
of 12
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,753 | Aug. 18, 1842 | A. Perry, A.M. Bouton | Mode of Changing Reciprocating into Rotary Motion for Steam Engines and Other Purposes | steam engines |
9,103 | Jul. 06, 1852 | E. Rogers | Mode of Grinding Puppet-Valves While the Engine is in Motion | steam engine valves |
315,516 | Apr. 14, 1885 | W.J. Lane | Steam Engine | steam engines |
480,019 | Aug. 02, 1892 | J. Joyce | Explosive Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
540,923 | Jun. 11, 1895 | C.M. Rhodes | Gas Engine | internal combustion engines |
586,826 | Jul. 20, 1897 | F.A. Redmon | Explosive Engine | internal combustion engines |
590,080 | Sep. 14, 1897 | J.S. Walch | Explosive Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
646,399 | Mar. 27, 1900 | J.F. Duryea | Explosive Engine | internal combustion engine valves |
651,237 | Jun. 05, 1900 | H. Crouan | Gas or Petroleum Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
658,367 | Sep. 25, 1900 | E. Apperson, E. Haynes | Explosive Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
1,231,572 | Jul. 03, 1917 | F.M. Davis | Valve mechanism | internal combustion engine valves |
1,846,979 | Feb. 23, 1932 | C.D. Salisbury | Auxiliary Pump System for Upsilon Type Engines | fuel pumps |