All Patents in class 123/543 |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
15,438 | Jul. 29, 1856 | T.T. Prosser | Sawing machine | scrollsaws |
402,549 | Apr. 30, 1889 | S. Wilcox | Gas or Oil Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
523,511 | Jul. 24, 1894 | H. Campbell | Oil Engine | oil engines |
532,098 | Jan. 08, 1895 | J. Robison | Gas, Oil or Vapor Engine | |
532,100 | Jan. 08, 1895 | J. Robison | Vaporizing and Ignition Device | carburetors |
532,219 | Jan. 08, 1895 | A. Spiel, C. Spiel | Hydrocarbon Engine | |
580,444 | Apr. 13, 1897 | H.C. Baker | Gas Engine | internal combustion engine valves |
597,860 | Jan. 25, 1898 | S. Rolfe | Explosion Engine | oil engines |
1,801,086 | Apr. 14, 1931 | A.C. Boock, C.B. Jahnke | Power Plant | power plants |