All Patents in class 123/38 |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
32,455 | May 28, 1861 | P. Shaw | Hot Air Engine | hot air engines |
124,520 | Mar. 12, 1872 | S.E. Tuttle | Improvement in Atmospheric Engines | hot air engines |
170,813 | Dec. 07, 1875 | F. Bürger | Coal-Oil Motor | coal oil engines |
195,585 | Sep. 25, 1877 | F. Dieckmann | Gas-Engines | gas and gasoline engines |
236,258 | Jan. 04, 1881 | J. Ravel | Oscillating Gas Motor | gas and gasoline engines |
242,401 | May 31, 1881 | G. Wacker | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
271,902 | Feb. 06, 1883 | L.H. Nash | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
288,632 | Nov. 20, 1883 | W. Hammerschmidt | Gas Engine | gas and gasoline engines |
432,114 | Jul. 15, 1890 | G.B. Brayton | Gas and Air Engine | |